Bathroom plumbing problems are such a type of problems that it keeps popping up now and then. It is so frequent that we have started to live with it. It’s a recurring cost that we have to incur very often. And at other times, we become so fed up that we don’t even bother to correct it. But here I would suggest you to take help from a renowned company who has expertise in plumbing so that they can rectify the problem from the source and you can breathe a sigh of relief forever or for a very long time. That’s the kind of service that companies like us, Healthy Homes offer. Since we have adequate and trained personnel to deal with bathroom plumbing problems, you will get a solution that will be long-lasting if not forever. Our expert team handles the problem from its root and not just superficially.
Therefore you need to identify the problems so that you can address the problems the moment you see them. Or you can call us as you understand that your bathroom needs assistance. For that, we have collected some common problems that generally happen in a bathroom plumbing system. There is one more factor that keeps us away from correcting our bathroom plumbing problems. Whenever you see a problem in your bathroom you automatically call your local plumber. He fixes it superficially and then again for some time the problem stops. But the problem re-arrives and then you keep doing the same thing; wherein you don’t understand that in 6 months you have called your local plumber 12 times and have paid an ‘X’ amount twelve times. You forget how much you have spent altogether because you don’t pay it in a bulk or at one go. The amount keeps building up because the problem is not resolved from its source. And when you call a company and agency to rectify the same problem, you are stunned by the quotation they give because all these times you have been paying smaller amounts but you didn’t realize that you have paid it numerous times. Therefore the quotation seems very costly which is actually not the case. You might have paid more than the quotation but since you have not paid it all at once you think that these companies are charging you more. It is a myth.
So let’s take a look at some of the common bathroom plumbing problems. I am sure you will recognise many of them.

Dripping Faucets
This is such a common problem. One or the other faucet will give you pain. It will start dripping slowly at first, and then it will be a steady stream. Any faucet in your bathroom can leak. First, you will put a bucket underneath when the drops are slow and then when they drip continuously, then you will think of taking action. Meanwhile, you are wasting gallons of water that doesn’t bother you because you are privileged enough to have a running and continuous flow of water every day and at all times. You need to get to the bottom of the problem as soon as possible by calling a plumbing expert company. It can be a minor fix, a concealed leakage; the reasons can be many but you need to resolve it and not wait till your faucet leaks like a tap.

That is another problem that almost everyone has encountered. Clogs can be damaging and can cause warped flooring or mold issues. Not all things are meant to be flushed down. Ironically we have to write that flush the toilet after use, but many foreign objects can clog the drain. Obviously, you need to flush human waste that goes without saying, and other than that soft toilet tissues and only some thin napkins can be flushed. If any other object is flushed, it can clog the drain and can give rise to major problems in your sewer system. In fact, not all paper products can be flushed away. They might go down the drain get stuck in the pipes. Also if you have children at home, be very careful as they have a tendency to flush small toys, etc. Please call a professional if the problem gets worse.

Running Toilet
This usually happens if the flapper valve doesn’t function. A leak can be the other possibility. You can check out this theory by putting food coloring in the upper tank. If the colouring gets into the toilet bowl without flushing, you have a leak. There can be other potential causes. On rare occasions, a running toilet is caused by sediment interfering with flushing and filling, a corroded toilet handle or the flapper chains are the wrong size.

Broken Tank
Another clear sign of a toilet problem is finding water around your toilet. One of the major issues is a broken or cracked toilet tank. Cracks may not always be visible, but the resulting water will be. Your toilet’s valve will continue to allow water to fill up the tank to full. But with a crack, it’s likely your tank will never get full, causing your toilet to run on its own. If this is the cause of your toilet problems, it’s probably time to install a new appliance. Do not leave it unchecked.
There is no need to worry if you have plumbing problems in the bathroom because the professionals at Healthy Homes will handle any issue you are having. We have created a reputation for dealing with customers with honesty and integrity. Call us today at 91638 56823!
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